Saturday, August 4, 2012

It's Just A Game, Participation Is The Key In Olympic or Other Contests!

For those who failed to win,
Please understand one important thing:
It's just a game,
Although you have worked hard on your part,
but for each contest, there's only one winner,
thus participation shall be honored after all,
we shall encourage participation,
not just pure winning intention,
winners are lucky,
but the status is temporary,
wait until next time,
when you are fully prepared and ready to strike,
then your strength and persistence pay back,
while some of this year's winners may drop out,
the Olympic spirit shall always focus on participation,
i wish you good luck if you lose,
I wish you better luck if you win,
regardless the outcomes,
everyone shall enjoy the light on your country,
and smile to shake off or let go,
It's just a game,
as long as you have tried your best,
no need to blast with bad mindset,
Keep showing your talent and skills,
let the cup of sunshine give refills.

Image Credit:

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