Jeb Bush
Former Florida governor
“I will take nothing and no one for granted. I will run with heart. I will run to win."
Money leaderBetween
his "super PAC," Right to Rise, and the money raised by his campaign,
Mr. Bush's war chest is larger than any of his rivals.

Ben Carson
Retired neurosurgeon
“I'm probably never going to be politically correct because I'm not a politician."
Political noviceMr.
Carson gained attention from conservatives in 2013 for a speech at the
National Prayer Breakfast that was highly critical of President Obama.

Chris Christie
New Jersey governor
“I am now ready to fight for the people of the United States of America.”
High stakes in Granite StateMr.
Christie has held more than a dozen town halls in New Hampshire as part
of his charm offensive to woo the state's critical primary voters.

Ted Cruz
United States senator
“The power of the American people as we stand up and fight for liberty knows no bounds.”
Courting conservativesMr. Cruz has attempted to capture the attention of the party's right wing.

Carly Fiorina
Former business executive
Mrs. Clinton "has not been transparent about a whole set of things that matter."
Gender politicsMs.
Fiorina's long-shot campaign has attracted the attention of some
conservatives in early nominating states, largely because of her pointed
attacks on Mrs. Clinton.

Jim Gilmore
Former Virginia governor
“I'm a
candidate for president because our current Washington leadership is
guiding America on a path to decline, and I can reverse that decline.”
Another attemptMr.
Gilmore has been out of political office since 2002. He lost a bid for
Senate in Virginia in 2008 after briefly running for president.

Lindsey Graham
United States senator
“I want to be president to protect our nation that we all love so much from all threats foreign and domestic.”
National security focusMr. Graham has positioned himself as a foreign policy hawk who is ready "to be commander in chief on Day 1."

Mike Huckabee
Former Arkansas governor
"I know that there is a difference between making a speech and making government accountable to the people who pay for it."
Reaching outA
former Southern Baptist pastor, Mr. Huckabee is trying to broaden his
support beyond the social conservatives he dominated in 2008.

Bobby Jindal
Louisiana governor
“We’ve had enough of talkers. It is time for a doer.”
What Jindal would need to do to win

John Kasich
Ohio governor
“We are going to take the lessons of the heartland and straighten out Washington, D.C., and fix our country.”
Getting to know youAnalysts
say a critical early test will be whether Mr. Kasich can raise his poll
numbers enough to land a spot in the first Republican debate.

George Pataki
Former New York governor
"I can lead this country and win this election. And the need to change Washington has never been greater.”
A social moderateMr. Pataki supports abortion rights and pushed for antidiscrimination rules protecting gays.

Rand Paul
United States senator
“It’s time for a new way, a way predicated on justice, opportunity and freedom."
The long gameMr. Paul's campaign said the candidate is looking to states beyond the early contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Rick Perry
Former Texas governor
“Leadership is not a speech on the Senate floor. It’s not what you say. It’s what you have done."
Take 2Mr. Perry is giving the nomination a second shot after a 2012 bid that was filled with gaffes.

Marco Rubio
United States senator
“The time has come for our generation to lead the way towards a new American century.”
Stressing youth and diversityMr.
Rubio is trying to portray himself as the youthful future of a
Republican Party that has struggled to connect with an increasingly
diverse electorate.

Rick Santorum
Former United States senator
“Working families don’t need another president tied to big government or big money.”
Focus on middle classMr. Santorum has adopted a new mantle of economic populism, one he calls "blue-collar conservatism."

Donald J. Trump
Real estate mogul
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States.”
Wild cardThe former host of "The Apprentice" has so far dominated the 2016 campaign — to the chagrin of the other Republican candidates.

Scott Walker
Wisconsin governor
“I’m running for president to fight and win for the American people.”
An Iowa-first strategyMr.
Walker is focused on building a political operation in Iowa and
campaigning aggressively there with his conservative message.

Not running
Mitt Romney
2012 Republican presidential nominee
“I did not want to make it more difficult for someone else to emerge who may have a better chance of becoming the president.”
these are from republican side.